中英医学口腔医学协会是在英国多所大学及其附属临床医学院大力合作支持下成立的。我们的CBMDA英国大学推荐生项目旨在帮助来自中国,及其他欧盟成员国以外国家的高中毕业生,本科毕业生,研究生,申请英国顶尖大学提供的医学及口腔医学本科课程(5年制),研究生课程(1-3年制)及 Ph.D 研究项目(1-3年制)。
中英医学口腔医学协会(CBMDA)还与英国牙科总理事会 General Dental Council - GDC 及英国医学总理事会 General Medical Council - GMC 建立了紧密的合作伙伴关系,旨在协助中国医师准备,参与,并最终通过PLAB国际医师资格考试及ORE国际口腔医师资格考试。从而获得英国行医执照,可在所有28个欧盟成员国家合法行医。

CBMDA 在线课程
CBMDA 的在线课程涉及整形美容医学,颜面重建外科学,主要面相于从事整形美容项目的外科医生。本在线课程也适合已有多年临床经验的医师完成继续教育计划,同时让自己的理论知识得到近一步的提升,熟练掌握国际最先进的医疗服务标准。

研究生毕业证书 (1年远程教育在线课程)
Specific topics in aesthetic medicine are covered in a total of four modules via CBMDA teaching package.
Each module will have a CBMDA assessment and a 2,000 word essay to be submitted online.
An OSCE (Objective structured Clinical Examination) will be held at the end of the academic year.
Cutaneous Physiology, Healing, Scarring and Ageing
Hair Biology and Hair Treatment
Non-invasive Techniques
Laser and Camouflage Techniques
This innovative and challenging programme will provide clinicians with a solid foundation in aesthetic principles and safe practice within aesthetic medicine to enhance and advance their clinical practice. The qualification will demonstrate ongoing training and learning in the area of Aesthetic Medicine which is becoming increasingly important as the drive for better regulation of aesthetic practise continues. China Britain Medical and Dental Academy has an excellent reputation in the area of medical training and is well recognised in both China and the UK. Studying at CBMDA will be a unique and enriching opportunity.
The CBMDA Aesthetic Medicine programme focuses on non-operative techniques and is open to a variety of clinicians such as Doctors, Dentists and Nurses. The distance learning modules will enable students to progress at a pace that fits around their daily commitments with set assignment submission deadlines during the academic year facilitating planning.
The teaching content will provide students with a strong scientific background to aesthetic medicine including skin physiology and hair biology. A sound knowledge base will be developed in basic and advanced techniques such as Botox, fillers, dermarollers, lasers and cosmeceuticals.
The importance of evidence-based practice will be developed through critique of aesthetic literature and synthesis of balanced views, impacting on your practice. There will be crucial hands-on training through two clinical days within the one year academic period. Accompanying lectures will help students evaluate their practice and consolidate learning they have been undertaking throughout the year.
Completion of Medical or Dental Degree (MBBS/MBcHB, MD, BDS) recognised by China Britain Medical and Dental Academy.
Completion of Nursing degree (diploma not accepted) (Nursing and Midwifery Council registration and a minimum of four years working experience)
English requirements should be any of the following:
IELTS (overall score of 6.5, with 6.0 in the Writing and Speaking modules)
Chinese students attending clinical days will require an appropriate travel visa according to CBMDA regulations. Further advice is obtainable via CBMDA International Students Adviser under CBMDA Services
An on-line platform provides study materials, videos and literature for modules and allows completion of summative assessments. Students will be supported by on-line tutors and student discussion forms will facilitate discussions.
This online learning environment comprises:
Weekly written material about the subject complemented by clinical pictures
Supplementary reading and a selection of relevant journal articles
Quizzes- summative assessment comprising MCQs (Multiple-choice questions)
Student Café – this area of the site allows pictures and questions or messages to be posted for discussion within the group. The current students find this a useful way of interacting with other students
Tuition fees: POA
There are a number of sources of funding available for CBMDA students.
These include a significant package of competitive CBMDA bursaries and scholarships in a range of subject areas, as well as external sources of funding.
CBMDA bursaries and scholarships
We offer a range of bursaries and scholarships for CBMDA students including competitive scholarships, bursaries and awards, some of which are for applicants studying specific subjects.