中英医学口腔医学协会是在英国多所大学及其附属临床医学院大力合作支持下成立的。我们的CBMDA英国大学推荐生项目旨在帮助来自中国,及其他欧盟成员国以外国家的高中毕业生,本科毕业生,研究生,申请英国顶尖大学提供的医学及口腔医学本科课程(5年制),研究生课程(1-3年制)及 Ph.D 研究项目(1-3年制)。
中英医学口腔医学协会(CBMDA)还与英国牙科总理事会 General Dental Council - GDC 及英国医学总理事会 General Medical Council - GMC 建立了紧密的合作伙伴关系,旨在协助中国医师准备,参与,并最终通过PLAB国际医师资格考试及ORE国际口腔医师资格考试。从而获得英国行医执照,可在所有28个欧盟成员国家合法行医。

CBMDA 高级课程
中英医学口腔医学院还为我们有多年临床经验的学员提供了现场教学与临床实践结合的高级课程,覆盖整形美容医学,颜面重建外科的各个领域。目前有很多私人医疗机构都在提供这样相关的课程,但我们可以像您保证,中英医学口腔医学院 - CBMDA 将会是您的首选。首先,我们的医学院及口腔医学院都是由行业内的公认专家作为教学组负责人及主讲师,我们在伦敦市中心可供选择的培训基地包括世界知名的 Harley Street,英国皇家医学会,伦敦大学学院 Eastman 口腔医学院,以及英格兰皇家外科学院。

肉毒杆菌及皮下充填剂 - 高级班
英国大学及中英医学口腔医学院双结业证书 - 2周英国短期理论和临床培训
The rapid growth of the Aesthetics Industry requires continual development of skills acquired to keep abreast of the changing techniques and products available. China Britain Medical and Dental Academy's comprehensive advanced Botox and dermal fillers training course ensures you are up to date with the latest techniques and provides you with the key practical skills to immediately introduce over a number of new injectable treatments to your clients.
Our advanced course is designed for those of you who have completed your basic training in Botox and dermal fillers, are confident with these foundation techniques and are looking to build your skill set to include more advanced treatments. As with any medical competency it is important to continually update your skills and gain CPD points but it is also vital that you are able to offer your loyal clients a full range of treatments, away from basic upper face Botox and dermal fillers around the mouth. You will learn how to use advanced techniques to create facial rejuvenation rather than simply eradicating lines and wrinkles by adding mid-face volume, jaw and cheek sculpting or raising the eyebrows.
You will learn how to correctly inject the lower face for eliminating lines, wrinkles and face softening including:
Marionettes (corners of the mouth)
Chin (to remove dimples and soften)
Upper Lip (smokers lines)
Bunny Lines (scrunching of the nose, good combination treatment with frown lines)
Brow Lift
On the dermal fillers side, this course will show you the techniques to carry out successful treatments of the mid and upper areas of the face and how to use them to create total facial rejuvenation rather than just filling lines and wrinkles. You will achieve:
Lip Volumising
Nose to Mouth Lines
Marionette Lines
Smokers Lines
You will also learn about:
Treatment Protocols
Consultation documentation
Importance of photography
Related anatomy
Injection techniques
Health and hygiene
Needle-stick injury
Managing adverse effects
Managing clients expectations
Sharps and clinical waste
Topical anaesthesia and types
Basic life support and anaphylactic training
Recap on safe injection technique.
Deliver an understanding of more advanced theoretical learning relating to carrying out more complicated procedures and correcting problems.
Become more skilled at analysing faces to better advise on what will achieve objectively more beautiful results.
Establish confidence through practical experience in the use of Botox and dermal fillers to treat more complex requested procedures (see ‘Structure’ section).
Develop a more subtle and holistic approach to rejuvenation, rather than working in pre-ordained, fixed areas.
Provide refresher learning of basic theory relating to both Botox and dermal fillers.
Provide knowledge of related side effects, complications, patient concerns and learn how to address them.
Teach our trainees how to give patients a natural looking result that provides an essential balance between minimising targeted lines and wrinkles and appropriate movement for facial expression.
Once you have completed your training and you have been certificated, we ask that you submit the required amount of ‘post training in clinic evidence’ and case studies within a 3 month period. This may be in the form of witness statements, client testimonials, photographic evidence, and reflection. You will learn more about post study on your training days and you will be provided with a work study pack to assist you.
Completion of Medical or Dental Degree (MBBS/MBcHB, MD, BDS) recognised by China Britain Medical and Dental Academy.
Completion of Nursing degree (diploma not accepted) (Nursing and Midwifery Council registration and a minimum of four years working experience)
We ask that you complete the registration form found on our ‘Apply Now’ section of the website; so that we can confirm you have the appropriate qualifications and to ensure that you can gain insurance. We will not deliver a course unless we can have this confirmation and that we can provide you with vital ‘malpractice treatment insurance’.
English requirements should be of the following:
IELTS (overall score of 6.5, with 6.0 in the Writing and Speaking modules)
Chinese students attending clinical days will require an appropriate travel visa according to CBMDA regulations. Further advice is obtainable via CBMDA International Students Adviser under CBMDA Services
High model to delegate ratio – plenty of expertly supervised practical experience with real patients.
Maximum 5 trainees per trainer, thereby allowing individualised tuition.
Free and exclusive access to our highly active online community for post-course support, questions and debate.
Comprehensive course structure which empowers you to master the whole professional process, not just the injections.
Unique algorithms in the theory course give you certainty when you are injecting on your own.
Dedicated fully-equipped modern clinic environment and lecture room.
All products included.
Insurer-approved certificate of attendance.
Tuition fees: POA
There are a number of sources of funding available for CBMDA students.
These include a significant package of competitive CBMDA bursaries and scholarships in a range of subject areas, as well as external sources of funding.
CBMDA bursaries and scholarships
We offer a range of bursaries and scholarships for CBMDA students including competitive scholarships, bursaries and awards, some of which are for applicants studying specific subjects.